After hearing and reviewing the last track from Southern group Pynch, my expectations were high for this track. I did immediately lose those expectations however when I heard the sound that starts this new track. It’s almost like a new band with the same vocalist in. Diversity within music is a brilliant quality. The fact that these lads can make music that appeals to different audiences just speaks to the nature of their musicianship.
I’m really not sure on how to summarise Pynch and was stumped when I came across their last song ‘London’ too. So incredibly unique and a real breath of fresh air in the music industry.
Lyricist Spencer says that the concept of the album which ‘Tin Foil’ is on is about growing up ‘at this particular point in history’ within the UK; he really has mastered the art of getting those stories from growing up put across.
After major national support from the likes of The Guardian, The Telegraph and NME, Pynch continue to keep creating incredible tracks such as this latest release. It has everything from driven guitars, synthetic drums and airy synths and is something so refreshing to listen to.
Written by Simon Stirzaker