‘Do You Wanna Party’, right from the off has this incredibly infectious feel about it that makes you want to tap your toes in utter delight.
Fleece, a Canadian outfit influenced by 60s harmony, psych rock and contemporary pop, really have made quite the impression with their music of late having racked up more than 40 million streams on their album ‘Stunning & Atrocious’.
This track is also the a single from the bands forthcoming EP. What a way to build into another release, a belter of a tune.
Every part of this track is masterful and feels like musicians who really have refined their craft to make the music they want to make. With such a plethora of influences, I can’t say I know another band with a sound quite as eclectic as FLEECE who have developed this really unique style to their music. It may be branded indie music by some or pop music by others but it really is unlike anything else to my ears.
‘Do You Wanna Party’ is most certainly starting a party in people’s ears in the build up to what I’m sure will be a thrilling album to listen to.
Written by Simon Stirzaker