A song constantly building, with every bit of gnarl that you’d expect from any great alternative rock track. This full of life duo, Dirty Blonde have recently introduced themselves to the UK music scene with a huge impact. ‘Don’t Cry (It Doesn’t Suit You)’ is the latest in a string of successful releases from the noisy duo. With only their third release, you’d sort of expect the band to still be in a stage of development. But, these girls have other plans and have this year packed out shows at the likes of Isle of Wight Festival and Brightons The Great Escape Festival.
This latest release from the Manchester alt-rockers is as claimed by the girls ‘a slight departure from our usual energetic sound.’ The track does have a real heartfelt, soft feel at the start but to me the claim that this sound is not energetic doesn’t quite fit. The grungy guitars and hard hitting drums when the song reaches its climax give the track a real drive.
The standout of this release, as always from Dirty Blonde, is the vocal performance and the lyricism which the track contains. There’s just something very beautiful about the contrast between the music and the voice of lead vocalist Ailis Mackay. Alias still has that power in her voice that the track requires but she has that very modern feel of a quite softly delivered vocal over the top of a really hard hitting, grungy track. The lyricism is drenched in pain which is reflected in the vocal delivery. Speaking on the track, the girls say that the track is about individuals who fake remorse, only to repeat their actions.
For a band who are still finding their feet and at the early stages of their career, it’s quite impressive that Dirty Blonde do still have their own sort of signature sound that you become accustomed to hearing when you switch on their music. Not a lot of bands have that at such an early stage. Just imagine what these girls will do and what they’ll create given a couple more years doing what they do best.
A band who profoundly seem to already know so much yet are still learning their craft. These girls have an unmatched talent, having been releasing music for less than 12 months and playing some huge shows in their first 12 months together, there’s no telling where the musical journey will take this duo. A long way to the top, but that’s the path I’m sure Dirty Blonde are already upon.
Written by Simon Stirzaker