Edinburgh newcomers Canongate have released their fourth and latest single ‘Glad I’m Free’ and it’s absolutely one of the most relaxed and mellow pieces of music I’ve heard in a while.
The lads from Scotland aimed to make this song a feel good single with catchy melodies and a feeling of freedom. These feelings and ideas are perfectly encapsulated within this track.
‘Glad I’m Free’ not only feels really chilled out as a piece of music, it also sounds like musicians who are very relaxed and assured in what they are doing. The mood that this track aims to capture is actually reflected in the music, something that takes some skill to achieve.
I have to say I’m not a huge fan of whatever the guitars are at the end of the track. The end section takes this track from being something of a masterpiece to something that just feels really messy and disorganised. Something which could maybe be worked on in the future for the lads when they’re writing.
Written by Simon Stirzaker